Sunday, May 30, 2010

12 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along:  12 weeks, 1 day
Gender:  ??
Weight Gain/Loss:  I've lost 2 lbs.
Movement:  The babies sure are moving, but I haven't felt anything yet.
Food Cravings:  I still have no appitite.
Symptoms:  Extreme back pain at the end of the day.  It hurts to lay flat on my back.  I still have no energy and feel just yucky sometimes.
Sleep:  Once I have my pillows propped up on both sides of me, I sleep pretty well.
Best Moment This Week:  My doctor's appointment.  I love seeing the babies!
What I'm looking forward to:  I have an appointment at Winnie Palmer Hospital on Wednesday.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Great Doctor's Appointment

There are two very active little babies in my belly!  We saw two babies and two heartbeats.  Both were very active, moving their arms and legs.  They looked like they were playing together already!  Dr. Hjort said everything looked great! 

Here are our two growing babies at 11 weeks and 2 days!

11 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along:  11 Weeks, 2 days
Gender:  ??
Weight Gain/Loss:  I have lost weight according to our scale at home. 
Movement:  I think I might feel slight movements.
Food Cravings:  No appetite
Symptoms:  No energy and A LOT of lower back pain.
Sleep:  It's starting to hurt to lay on my back and I can no longer lay on my stomach.
Things to come:  My doctor's appointment Today!!
What I'm looking forward to:  Seeing the babies on the ultrasound and praying everything is great!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

10 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along:  10 Weeks
Gender:  ??
Movement:  I don't think so yet.
Food Cravings:  Still don't feel like eating much....
Symptoms:  Crazy dreams, no energy, and lower back pain.
Sleep:  I'm finding it hard to get comfortable.
Things to come:  My next appointment in a few weeks!
What I'm looking forward to:  The 2nd trimester and feeling movement.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

9 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along:  9 Weeks, 1 Day
Gender:  Now we are both thinking they will be girls.... I'm seeing twin girls everwhere!
Movement:  Not yet, hopefully soon!
Food Cravings:  I'm not really feeling like eating anything lately.
Symptoms:  Absolutely ZERO energy!
Sleep:  Need lots of it!
Things to come:  Appointment for bloodwork tomorrow.
What I'm looking forward to:  The 2nd trimester for more energy.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

8 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along:  8 Weeks
Weight Gain:  1 pound
Gender:  We don't know yet.....but Justin is saying "Girls!"
Movement:  Not yet
Food Cravings:  I really like sweet things and I drink a lot of milk.  One thing that I do NOT want is salad.  I had it the other day, and now I can't even stand to look at it!  Weird.
Symptoms:  Soooooo tired!  I've been going to be when Makenna does at 8:00pm.
Sleep:  I can't get enough!
What I miss:  Having the energy to clean, play with Makenna, or basically just get out of bed.
What I'm looking forward to:  My next appointment in a few weeks.