Tuesday, August 31, 2010

25 Weeks

*Special Beach Edition*

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 25 weeks, 2 days
Size of Babies: 13.5 inches long and weighs 1.5lbs. each. The girls are each the size of a rutabaga!
Gender: Girls
Weight Gain/Loss: +5 lbs. total
Movement: The girls move a lot especially at night!
Food Cravings:  Carnation Instant Breakfast, Carmel Apples (I had 2 while at the beach), and my new favorite would be BBQ Doritos!
Symptoms: I feel sick at night....Tums are my best friend.  My belly is also feeling very stretched and tender in spots.
My Health: I had a couple concerns with my health this week.  Every now and then I will feel lightheaded and need to sit down.  At one point, my blood pressure went up, but it may have also been because Makenna had just gotten her first busted lip...poor thing!
Sleep: This week, I have been waking up and not able to go back to sleep right away.  However, I wake up in the morning very tired and stiff.
Best moment this week: Our beach vacation!!  The babies got a much-needed soak in the sun!
What I'm looking forward to: My ultrasound at Winnie Palmer on Thursday.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Breakfast...Real and Pretend

On Tuesday, Justin went to work so I was home with Makenna.  Justin is usually "The Cook" in our house when we are all home so he usually makes breakfast in the morning if it requires any type of frying, baking, etc.  Ha!  But on Tuesday, I decided that I would make a nice breakfast for myself and Makenna. 

For Makenna:  bacon, scrambled eggs, biscuit, and cheese.
She enjoyed it so much, she had to use two hands!  Ha!
For myself:  A yummy bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich.  Mmmmm!
Here is the happy girl eating her breakfast!  I said "Makenna, would you like some more cheese?"  And she smiled! Ha!

After breakfast, Makenna decided that she would cook something for me.  We had gotten her this Step 2 play kitchen the night before.....another great Craigslist find!  She loves it and it is so fun to watch her play with it!  She has definitely been watching Daddy cook, because she knew exactly what to do! 

We had a fun morning of cooking and eating......real and pretend!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

24 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along:  24 weeks 
Size of Babies:  13 inches long and weighs a little over a pound each.  They are each the length of an ear of corn!
Gender:  Girls
Weight Gain/Loss:  +4 lbs. total
Movement:  A LOT of movement!  The girls kick really well!  They are very active, especially around 10:00 or 11:00pm....not a good sign. Ha!
Food Cravings:  I still drink carnation instant breakfast all day long.  I have also wanted banana frozen yogurt or ice cream lately.  We have even made our own banana "ice cream" which was quite delicious!
Symptoms:  This week has been up and down.  I felt very lightheaded on Wednesday and even saw spots at one point.  But, I think it is from my diet or lack of eating.  I also got very nauseous on Friday.  I have tried to drink a lot more water and eat more frequently to see if that helps.
My Health:  Other than my new symptoms this week, my health is ok.  My blood pressure is still normal.  If my symptoms worsen, then I will call the doctor.
Sleep:  I have started not sleeping well this week also.  It takes a while for me to get comfortable and fall asleep and I wake up to a very stiff back.
Best moment this week:  Justin and I being able to feel and see the girls move and kick.  I can sit on the couch now and we can watch my belly jump!
What I'm looking forward to:  My ultrasound in a few weeks.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fire Station / Dinner

Last weekend, my brother, Josh (the one I was marketing a few weeks ago....Ha!) was in town to visit.  Justin was working on Friday, so Makenna and I decided to go to my parent's house.  Justin works at Station 1, downtown, and if we go into town, we usually stop by to see him.  So we stopped at the fire station on the way to my parent's house in Wildwood.  While we were there, I just had to take pictures even though it was like 1000 degrees outside! 

Here is a picture taken on Labor Day September 2009....Almost one year ago.  Look how much Makenna has changed in a year!

After we left the fire station, we went to my parent's house for dinner.  My brother, Jason, is an excellent cook and always makes the most creative and delicous meals.  Tonight, he made a type of chipotle salad with sliced beef, salsa, and guacamole with homemade tortilla strips.  It was yummy!  And the presentation was great too:

Makenna wanted to help Grandpa with the dishes afterwards.  She thought that the shoes and sunglasses should be washed too!  Haha!

She is growing up so fast!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

23 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along:  23 weeks
Size of Babies:  11 inches long and weighs just over one pound each.  The girls each weigh as much as a mango!
Gender:  Girls
Weight Gain/Loss:  +2 lbs. total
Movement:  Yes, all the time and getting stronger!  This week both babies were head down, so I had 4 feet going crazy!
Food Cravings:  Chocolate Carnation Instant Breakfast.....all day long.
Symptoms:  Loss of energy and I get stiff if I sit in one possition too long.
Sleep:  Wake once or twice a night.
My Health:  Good!
Best moment this week:  My doctor's appointment.
What I'm looking forward to:  Completing the nursery!  I still am having a hard time deciding on colors, patterns, etc.  Hopefully, I can make some decisions and get it all put together.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Doctor's Appointment

I had my 22 week doctor's appointment today.  It was pretty uneventful, which is a good thing.  My blood pressure was good: 108/60 and I gained 6 lbs. in the last four weeks, giving my total weight gain since BP (before pregnancy) at 2 lbs.  We saw both girls briefly on the ultrasound, mainly to check heartbeats, position, and amount of fluid.  Everything looked great!  They were both head-down and side-by-side.  Little cuties.  I didn't get any pictures this time, but I will be going back to Winnie Palmer in a couple weeks for another growth scan and I should get some then.  At this appointment, Dr. Wood measured my belly when I was laying down, going from top-to-bottom, measuring the size of my uterous.  The measurement tells them how far along you are....or how far along you are measuring.  I am 22.5 weeks today and my belly measured at 30 weeks!!  Whoa Babies!! Of course, that is one the single-baby scale.  So for two babies, I'm doing just fine.  And we still have a lot of growing to do!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

22 Weeks

*This pic was taken at the end of the day.....sooooo tired!

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along:  22 Weeks, 1 day
Size of Babies:  11 inches long and weighs almost one pound each.  They are each the length of a spaghetti squash!
Gender:  Girls
Weight Gain/Loss:  -1 lbs. total
Movement:  I feel them both kick a lot.  Justin is able to feel them also!
Food Cravings:  Chocolate Carnation Instant Breakfast
Symptoms:  Not being able to move around as fast and I lose my energy quickly.
Sleep:  I still have crazy dreams....sometimes scary!
What I miss:  Being able to see my feet! Ha!
My Health:  Good!
Best moment this week:  Finding a chandelier for the nursery!
What I'm looking forward to:  My doctor's appointment on Wednesday.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fun at the Park!

Last night, Justin and I decided to get take-out for dinner and take it to the Lake County Park in Umatilla.  The Lake County Park is HUGE!  And the last time we went there, Makenna couldn't walk yet, so I had been wanting to take her now that she can really play and run around.  We decided to let Makenna eat her dinner before we left the house, then Justin and I ordered our favorite salad from Applebees, the oriental chicken salad....YUM! 

We got to the park and there was so much going on, it was great!  There was soccer players, football players, and cheerleaders.  And they were all so small and cute!  There were tons of kids on the playground.  People playing volleyball, riding bikes, running, pushing stollers, etc.  It was so nice to see people just enjoying being active!  The park has a really nice jogging trail that goes completely around the park.  Justin and I have run it BP (before pregnancy)  Ha!   I definately plan to get back into running after the twins are born.  The Lake County Park is a great place to run and feel safe.

So we ate our dinner under the pavillion...which turned out to be a tag-team event because Makenna wouldn't wait for us to finish, she wanted to play! So I would eat and Justin would play, and then we would "tag out". Ha! It was a lot of fun and even better, it wasn't too hot.

Makenna beside the big tractor...just like Grandaddy's!

She was too interested by everything going on to look at the camera!





and people-watchin'!
Love these two!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

21 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along:  21 weeks
Size of Babies:  10.5 inches long and weighs about 12 ounces each.  The girls are the length of carrots!
Gender:  Girls!
Weight Gain/Loss:  -3 lbs. total
Movement:  I can feel them move a lot!  I feel the top one (Baby B) kick a lot on the outside, and Baby A kicks down low and on the inside.
Food Cravings:  Sugar, Milk, Carmel Apples (I wanted this yesterday and haven't got one yet)
Symptoms:  I have some back pain, and it hurts sometimes when I put all my weight onto one leg.  And the heat outside is killing me!
Sleep:  I've been sleeping really well, other than getting up once or twice to go to the bathroom.
My Health:  My health is good. 
Best Moment this Week:  My detailed ultrasound at Winnie Palmer Hospital. 

Ready for a full length shot? Wow, I'm huge! Ha!