Sunday, August 8, 2010

22 Weeks

*This pic was taken at the end of the day.....sooooo tired!

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along:  22 Weeks, 1 day
Size of Babies:  11 inches long and weighs almost one pound each.  They are each the length of a spaghetti squash!
Gender:  Girls
Weight Gain/Loss:  -1 lbs. total
Movement:  I feel them both kick a lot.  Justin is able to feel them also!
Food Cravings:  Chocolate Carnation Instant Breakfast
Symptoms:  Not being able to move around as fast and I lose my energy quickly.
Sleep:  I still have crazy dreams....sometimes scary!
What I miss:  Being able to see my feet! Ha!
My Health:  Good!
Best moment this week:  Finding a chandelier for the nursery!
What I'm looking forward to:  My doctor's appointment on Wednesday.


  1. Getting closer and closer!! I can't believe it! Sweet baby girls!

  2. Ha! I laugh so hard when I hear about Jennifer Francis’ crazy dreams! I follow her on Twitter. Your belly is so cute!!! Time is flying!! They’ll be here in no time!! Probably not soon enough for you though, LOL!
