Thursday, August 26, 2010

Breakfast...Real and Pretend

On Tuesday, Justin went to work so I was home with Makenna.  Justin is usually "The Cook" in our house when we are all home so he usually makes breakfast in the morning if it requires any type of frying, baking, etc.  Ha!  But on Tuesday, I decided that I would make a nice breakfast for myself and Makenna. 

For Makenna:  bacon, scrambled eggs, biscuit, and cheese.
She enjoyed it so much, she had to use two hands!  Ha!
For myself:  A yummy bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich.  Mmmmm!
Here is the happy girl eating her breakfast!  I said "Makenna, would you like some more cheese?"  And she smiled! Ha!

After breakfast, Makenna decided that she would cook something for me.  We had gotten her this Step 2 play kitchen the night before.....another great Craigslist find!  She loves it and it is so fun to watch her play with it!  She has definitely been watching Daddy cook, because she knew exactly what to do! 

We had a fun morning of cooking and eating......real and pretend!


  1. So cute! Great Breakfast! I need lessons on what to feed the little girl! :) (Holly gave me some ideas today.)

  2. Precious!! And love the new picture in the header!!!

  3. Our little girl is growing up. So cute. What a neat story. Thanks for taking the pictures & posting them with the story. You are so creative. Love, Momma April/Ay-oo

  4. What a fun morning! Makenna cooking and Mom cherishing the special moments...Love, Mom
