Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy 10-10-10!

We went to the Gator Game on last night. We had amazing seats so I was very comfortable at 31 weeks pregnant. Our friends, Bryn and Lindsey invited us to watch the game from air conditioned box seats, with food, drinks, and our own much better can it get for a pregnant girl!? Even though Justin may not be a Gator fan...he was on Saturday and he happily wore his orange and blue! :) The Gators lost, but it was an exciting game and we had a great time!
The view from our seats

I also made this cute Fabric flower pin to wear to the game, since none of my Gator tshirts would fit over my belly.  I searched for a tutorial on how to make it and found this one HERE.  It was really easy to follow and make.


  1. Great job on the flower! So cute!! :)

  2. You definitely did the game right! Looks like you guys had a good time : )
