On Thursday, I had an ultrasound scheduled at Winnie Palmer for 10:30am. This ultrasound was for a growth scan of the twins. Dr. Wood said that we could go to either Lake Imaging or Winnie Palmer. We chose Winnie Palmer because we "thought" we liked it there. It was the same co-pay, a doctor comes in to talk to you during the ultrasound, and they give you a CD with the images. We didn't mind driving to Orlando for a better ultrasound. So Dr. Wood set up the appointment with Winnie Palmer, but also gave me a script for Lake Imaging just in case.
Well, we get to our appointment at Winnie Palmer RIGHT on time, not early, because let's face it...we are never early. We go straight back to the office that we had gone to before. They tell me that my appointment is actually with a different department/office, so they sent me up front to Admissions. Right away, that seemed wierd. Why was this appointment different than the first two?
After a while of waiting, they call us into the office to go over the insurance and payment. We were told that this appointment was going to cost us, not a $25.00 co-pay, but a $300.00 deductable. YIKES!!! We couldn't understand why this appointment was different, and the woman helping us didn't know either....she said she would have to research it. So in order to keep the appointment, we would have to risk it, and be billed with whatever it was. No, thank you!
We decided to cancel the appointment. That bummed me out! I liked Winnie Palmer a lot, but not enough to pay $300.00 when we could pay $25.00 at Lake Imaging. So we called Lake Imaging and got a 4:00pm appointment. Luckily, I still had the script from Dr. Wood.
My appointment went well. The thing I don't like about Lake Imaging is that you have to drink 2 liters of water an hour before your appointment so that your bladder is full. I am a BIG water drinker, so drinking the water wasn't the hard part.....it's the full bladder part that's not fun! It makes the appointment really uncomfortable and the whole time I'm thinking about how much I have to go the the bathroom!
Now for the best part.....the results. The girls measured just about the same size, which is great news. They are growing at the same rate. Baby A was a little bit bigger than Baby B. (Thursday - I was 25 weeks and 5 days.) Baby A measured to be at 26 weeks and weighs 2 lbs. Baby A measured to be 25 weeks 4 days and 1 lbs. 14 oz. Everything looked great!
So at almost 26 weeks, I have 4 lbs. of baby in my belly......with a lot more growing to do!!!
Aries In The 5th House
11 months ago
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